#11: Read and Research - Islam
Pick a key figure responsible for the spread of Islam - either from one country to another, or just within one country - and describe...
#10: Religious Symbolism in Art
Symbolism - A form, image or subject representing a meaning other than the one with which it is usually associated. If you saw a painting...

#9: Read and Research - Judaism
Discuss why the Babylonian Captivity is considered to be the beginning of Judaism. Include ideas like what was the Babylonian Captivity?,...

#8: Read and Research - Buddhism
Pick a key figure responsible for the spread of Buddhism - either from one country to another, or just within one country - and describe...
#7: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Section 18 1) Read the 2 articles below. Make notes. 8 countries on UN Human Rights Council...

#6: The Church and Residential Schools in Canada
Residential Schools In a paragraph or two discuss the residential school system in Canada.

#5: The Secular and Non-Secular Government
Secularism is the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious...

#4: Boko Haram and List of Designated Terrorist Organizations
Boko Haram 1) Please write a short summary about the nature of Boko Harem and its connection to Islam 2) Define the following items:...
#3: The Addressing of Human Needs Through Religion
Using the article below and whatever ideas you may come up with, discuss in a paragraph or two why humans need religion. The Human Need...