#16: Kaaba Quiz
1. What does the word Kabah mean? Kube 2. Who built the Kabah? Prophet Ibrahim & Prophet Ismail 3. The Kabah is covered with a blank...
#15: The Spread of Islam
Choose one of the following Islamic areas and address the four questions below. India, Mali, or Turkey 1) Overall, how was Islam...

#14: Easy Islam Crossword Puzzle
Across (2) Five (4) Abraham (9) Ramadhan Down (1) Zaay (3) Iman (5) Makkah (6) Madina (7) Islam (8) Quran
#13: Religious Issues: Homosexuality
This is a research assignment. Summarize the views toward homosexuality for the Abrahamic religions and for the Major eastern religions.
#12: Profiles of Religious People - The Caliphs
The Caliph 1) Identify the basis for the split in Islam today. One group of Muslims (shura)chose Abu Bakr (Muhammad's best friend) as the...

#10: Karma
1) What does karma mean? Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an...

#9: Living My Religion (Hinduism) - Family Life
Please draw and label a quick sketch of the make up of a traditional Hindu family (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother and...

#8: Create a Buddhist Prayer Flag (Not This Semester)
1) Create a traditional Buddhist prayer flag. 2) Which colour is most important to you? Why? Blue (Nīla): Loving kindness, peace and...

#7: Sacred Holidays in Judaism - Hanukkah
What was the source of the conflict between the Greeks and the Jews in 167 BCE? In 167 BCE Antiochus (a Greek king ) ordered an altar to...