Part 1 TOTAL 30 marks (one mark per question)
Instructions: Using your notes please answer the following questions.
1. R2 #3 Which country lies directly to the right of present day Israel?
Jordan lies directly to the right of present day Israel
2. R2 #3 In which year was present day Israel created?
3. R2 #3 The pressure to create a Jewish homeland was aided by which WW2 event?
The persecution and exile of the Jews by Hitler and his Nazi's
4. R1 #3 Where do morals come from?
Morals comes from neither physical objectives or transcendent thoughts. Morals come from utilitarian thoughts and is culture-dependent. Saying this, morals do not come from physical things, and are completely based on the way you are brought up. Morals are completely neurologically related.
5. R2 #4 Who received the Ten Commandments from God?
The Ten Commandments, believed to have been given to the prophet Moses by God, play a fundamental role in both Judaism and Christianity.
6. R2 #4 What does Islam mean?
The word 'Islam' means 'submission,' which reflects the doctrine of submitting to the will of Allah.
7. R2 #4 What is the sacred text of Islam?
The sacred text of Islam is the Qur'an
8. R2 #8 What does Mahatma mean when discussing Mohandas Ghandi?
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, commonly known by the name Mahatma meaning 'great soul'
9. R2 #8 What was the principle, introduced by Gandhi, that evil must be confronted with a search for peace through nonviolent means.
Satyagraha refers to the principle introduced by Gandhi that evil must be confronted with a search for peace through nonviolent means.
10. R2 #7 What do Jews and Muslims think about the idea of Jesus?
Christians, on the other hand, took Jesus to be this Messiah and went a step further, assigning him the qualities of a deity. This includes considering him the son of God and a savior of all humankind. The essence of the faith is found in the Book of John 3:16. Such a notion is unacceptable to Jews as well as Muslims, who view the concept of God as inviolate, one that could never include God becoming man. However, this is not to say they condemn Jesus or his teachings. Quite the contrary, Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet of God, in the same way Moses, Elijah, and others were prophets. They simply believe Christians have ascribed qualities to Jesus that he himself did not possess or even promote and view the New Testament as a misinterpretation of God's true message to humanity.
11. R2 #10 Define the hijrah.
The Hegira or Hijrah (Arabic: هِجْرَة) is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in the year 622.
12. R2 #10 Who is Yahweh?
'God' of Judaism
13. R3 #1 What percentage of the world is Muslim?
21.01% of the worlds population is Muslim
14. R3 #5 The Dalai Lama is associated with which religion?
As the spiritual leader of Tibet the Dalai Lama guides the Tibetan people in their understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and shares his ideas about religious harmony around the world.
15. R3 #7 What is the significance of Kapilavastu in Buddhism?
16. R3 #7 What is ascetism?
17. R3 #9 What is moksha?
The release from the cycle of life and death
18. R3 #9 Who is the founder of Hinduism?
Unlike our Western belief systems of say Catholicism or Judaism, Hinduism is without a specific founder, a prescribed theological system or even a definite moral code.
19. R3 #9 What is the name of the period where two cultures melded to produce Hinduism?
Vedic Period
20. R3 #9 What is Brahman in Hinduism?
Although many sects still exist today, the center of Hinduism is found in the belief of Brahman. With this, Hindus hold to the concept that all reality is unified under one sacred or divine entity. Known as Brahman, this sacred, yet rather vague, divinity is at the cornerstone of today's Hinduism
21. R3 #11 What is the Rigveda?
22. R3 #14 What is the real name of the Hare Krishna?
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement or Hare Krishnas
23. R4 #1 In which country would you find Shintoism?
Shintoism is the indigenous spirituality of Japan and the people of Japan.
24. R4 #1 What are Kami in Shintoism?
Kami are a part of nature and possess both positive and negative, and good and evil characteristics. Kami are in no way perfect. Kami are not God or gods.
25. R4 #4 What country does Confucianism have its origins in?
Confucianism has its origins in China
26. R4 #4 What is the Wujing in Confucianism?
The texts in which Confucius shared his thoughts are most important. There are a set of texts called the Wujing, or Five Classic texts, which contain many fundamental ideas about Confucianism. These texts contain ideas about metaphysics, history, poetry, art, philosophy, music, politics, social responsibility, ceremonial rites and many other facets of life and society.
27. R4 #7 In which country does Jainism have its origins?
Jainism is an ancient religion beginning in India around the 7th-5th century BCE
28. R4 #7 What is a tirthankara in Jainism?
Teachers. Tirthankara are not gods. They are ordinary humans who have made their souls pure through intense spiritual practice.
29. R4 #7 Who is Mahavira in Jainism?
The most famous teacher was Mahavira, which means Great Hero. He is believed to have given Jainism its present form as a religion and is sometimes called The Father of Jainism, although the ideas existed before him.
30. R4 #7 What is a swatika in Jainism?
The swastika is a Jain symbol. The word swastika came from the Sanskrit word svastika, meaning any lucky or auspicious object, and in particular a mark made on persons and things to denote luck or well-being. It is composed of su- meaning "good, well" and asti "to be". Suasti thus means "well-being." The suffix -ka, meaning "soul",suastika might thus be translated literally as "that which is associated with well-being," corresponding to "lucky charm"
PART 2 TOTAL 40 Marks (Multiple marks for each question)
1. R3 #14 Identify the two Indian scriptures that form the basis of ISKCON.
Its core beliefs are based on select traditional Indian scriptures, particularly the Bhagavad-gītā and the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
2. R4 #10 Name two historical events that caused the popularity of Taoism to suffer.
At one time it was the official state religion in China. However, it was somewhat pushed aside as Confucianism became popular.
Taoism also suffered with the rise of Communism in China. Taoism was banned and its followers re-educated, resulting in the number of practicing Taoists to fall by 99% in 10 years. It is not banned anymore but the number of followers never recovered fully.
3. R4 #12 Identify two places that are considered holy to First Nations people.
Burial grounds of ancestors and places of significance such as, visions, teachings, or battles.
4. R3 #13 Identify the Trimurti.
The Trimurti consists of 3 Hindu Gods, Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. Brahma is the creator, Shiva is the destroyer, and vishnu is the preserver
5. R3 #5 Summarize the three commitments of the 14th Dalai Lama.
His Holiness’ first commitment is the promotion of human values such as compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, contentment and self-discipline.
His Holiness’ second commitment is the promotion of religious harmony and understanding among the world’s major religious traditions.
His third commitment is to work to preserve Tibet's Buddhist culture, a culture of peace and non-violence.
6. R2 #7 The Torah is sacred to which three religions?
The Torah is sacred to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism
7. R4 #13 Identify three other names for the religion Zoroastriansim.
Zoroastrianism also called Zarathustraism, Mazdaism and Magianism
8. L1 #2 Christians are baptized in four different ways. Identify them.
A baptism can be performed in four ways; aspersion, affusion, immersion and submersion.
9. L2 #2 Identify four uses of a mandala.
Mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, as a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.
10. L2 #9 Identify two places you are likely to find a shrine.
Any number of locations can serve as shrines. For example, some tombs become shrines, because the faithful wish to visit them and honor the people who are buried there. A shrine can also be part of a church or another religious structure, with many religions keeping precious relics in the care of religious officials so that pilgrims can visit.
11. L3 #7 What are the two holy books to Mormons?
12. L3 #10 Identify two other names for the Star of David
The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David
13. L3 #17 Who were the two main combatants in the Crusades?
The Crusades were a series of Christian military campaigns during the Medieval period against the Muslims of the Middle East. Christians and Muslims.
14. L5 #5 Identify the dominions of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
Some deities had dominion over certain aspects of nature. For instance, Zeus was the sky-god, sending thunder and lightning, Poseidon ruled over the sea and earthquakes, Hades projected his remarkable power throughout the realms of death and the Underworld, and Helios controlled the sun. Other deities ruled over an abstract concept; for instance Aphrodite controlled love.
15. L5 #6 Identify three parts of daily Roman life that was defined by religion.
For ordinary Romans, religion was a part of daily life. Each home had a household shrine at which prayers and libations to the family's domestic deities were offered. Neighborhood shrines and sacred places such as springs and groves dotted the city. The Roman calendar was structured around religious observances. Women, slaves, and children all participated in a range of religious activities.
PART 3 TOTAL 30 Marks Short Answer (choose 5 of the following questions)
1. L5 #6 How much emphasis did the Romans put on religion?
The Romans thought of themselves as highly religious, and attributed their success as a world power to their collective piety in maintaining good relations with the gods. According to legendary history, most of Rome's religious institutions could be traced to its founders, particularly Numa Pompilius, the Sabine second king of Rome, who negotiated directly with the gods.
2. L5 #3 Discuss the origins and impact of Al Queda.
Al-Qaeda is a global militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam, and several other militants, in Peshawar, Pakistan, at some point between August 1988 and late 1989, with its origins being traceable to the Soviet War in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda has carried out many attacks on non-Sunni Muslims, non-Muslims, and other targets. Al-Qaeda has attacked civilian and military targets in various countries, including the September 11 attacks, 1998 U.S. embassy bombings and the 2002 Bali bombings. The U.S. government responded to the September 11 attacks by launching the War on Terror. Characteristic techniques employed by al-Qaeda include suicide attacks and simultaneous bombings of different targets. Activities ascribed to it may involve members of the movement, who have taken a pledge of loyalty to Osama bin Laden, or the much more numerous "al-Qaeda-linked" individuals who have undergone training in one of its camps in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq or Sudan, but who have not taken any pledge. They believe that the killing of civilians is religiously sanctioned, and they ignore any aspect of religious scripture which might be interpreted as forbidding the murder of civilians. Al-Qaeda also opposes man-made laws, and wants to replace them with a strict form of sharia law.
3. L5 #1 Why are the Jews the object of scorn and hatred by some Christian groups?
If someone were to ask my why the Jews are the objects of scorn and hatred by some Christian groups, I would say that it's because of the Jews willingness to accept Jesus' execution an that they were also held equally accountable for Jesus' death. This implied that they had equal pay towards the death of Jesus himself.
4. L4 #11 Pick a key figure responsible for the spread of Islam and describe their main achievements.
Abu Bakr was the first caliph. He maintained and held together the political structure and system created by Muhammad, defeated revolts, and initiated the expansion of Islam into Syria and Iraq. Abu Bakr was possibly the first person to accept Muhammad as the prophet and to convert to a Muslim. He was one of Muhammad followers and lead to the spread of Islam from Medina to Syria and Iraq
5. L4 #9 Why is the Babylonian Captivity considered to be the beginning of Judaism?
6. L4 #4 How are Boko Harem and the moderate views of Islam different?
7. L4 #2 Is it possible for Catholics to reconcile the difficulties in the church with the beliefs of their faith?
8. L5 #4 Discuss the nature of ISIS and their role in the world today.
9. L5 #8 How do Howard Finster and Salvador Dali differ in their approach to modern religious art? Focus upon the styles in your answer.
These paintings help aid religious messages by giving people a visual. This allows people to see what that message is saying. For example, in Salvador Dali's painting, it depicts Jesus on the cross in dark and warm colours giving of a serious depiction, and in Howard Finster's, gives a colourful and worded out page.that seems to give a happy message through all the colours and pictures.