Major Summative Assignment
1) What is the name of your religion?
The name of my religion is Perroism.
2) Give a short version of the historical founding of your religion. (Where, why, when)
Perroism was founded in the the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert (Mexico) in 1721 after the death of a wise, old perro named Fatigar. Fatigar, before his death, was a great mentor to the young Diabolo, who gave advice, life skills, and important knowledge to be able to go further into life to understand and achieve the goal of happiness with one's self. Fatigar would give these lessons everday Wednesday to Diabolo after chores and household duties were finished. Fatigar one day, never showed up to give Diabolo his weekly lesson. Diabolo went looking for Fatigar and found him passed away in his house. This lead Diabolo down a dark path of loneliness and depression. Diabolo would have to go find someone to get him out of that dark place back into the beautiful and colourful way hat he was and to spread the knowledge that Fatigar gave him. Diabolo started his journey that day. He traveled for days on end going from village to village in the desert looking for a new companion. He kept looking with no luck, until one day he found someone name Samtiago. Samtiago was a young, orphaned pup who instantly brightened Diabolo and gave him hope in himself. They had an instant connection and were inseparable. The pair traveled to Diabolo's home village in the Chihuahuan desert. Along their journey, they found, yet again, another orphaned pup named Quesodian. The trio ended back in the village, and began lessons with Diabolo and how to achieve happiness with ones self and to love and appreciate things. This event kept spreading after the death of Diabolo and his disciples, Samtiago and Quesodian. These four dogs are the founders and bases of Perroism and the goal to achieve and restore happiness in ones self.
3) Is it monotheistic, polytheistic or non-theist?
Perroism is a polytheistic religion as it follows and worships the four main Gods Fatigar (the founder), Diabolo, Samtiago, and Quesodian.
4) Who are the main characters in your religion? Explain each each character.
The main characters in Perroism are Fatigar, Diabolo, Samtiago, and Quesodian. Fatigar was the original and starter of Perroism by giving Diabolo wisdom and knowledge (the God). Diabolo is the one who spreads Fatigar's orginal message and wisdom to find inner happiness to his disciples, Samtiago and Quesodian who ead to the spread of Perroim in Mexico and North America.
5) Outline a set of beliefs for your religion.
Perroism has a set of beliefs that if you spread your inner happiness to others, you will achieve full potential and happiness in ones self that you will be able to enlightened with ones achievements. You will reach a point where in the afterlife, you become wiser, and wiser. Perroism does not have a church service but rather the spread by mouth.
6) Discuss the afterlife.
In Perroism, to achieve the positive aspect of the afterlife, you have to spread your knowledge and inner happiness to others. If this does happen, you will be reincarnated as wiser self being able to spread better and wiser knowledge. If failed to comply, one will be reincarnated as a more ignorant self having to work harder to achieve happiness within.
7) Discuss the sacred text(s)
Perroism does not have any tangible texts as it was spread by word of mouth. This religion rely's on the spread of ones knowledge to another and so on...
8) Show and discuss the symbols that represent items in the religion.

The sun represents Diabolos journey through the desert trying to find a new companion.
The black cloud represents the sadness that Diabolo feels after Fatigar passes away.
The broken heart represents death whether it be Fatigars and Diabolos.

9) Discuss the holy places
The holy places in Perroism are Hamelonian, the original village of Fatigar and Diabolo, and the Chihuahuan desert of which Diabolo does his journey to find a new companion in.