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#4: The Afterlife in Christianity

What proof do we have that Christians believe that heaven is a real place?

The Bible teaches that heaven is an actual place (e.g. John 14:1-6). Life there will have some continuity with life in the present world (e.g. people will have bodies like they do now); yet in other ways, heaven will be different than this present life (e.g. people will have "new" bodies, cf. 1 Cor. 15:35-49). What happens to Christians in heaven?

Christians believe heaven is a place where believers go upon dying in order to enjoy the presence of God as well as other believers. In heaven, people are also freed from sin and all its various manifestation, like suffering and pain

What proof do we have that Christians believe that hell is laden with fire?

In several New Testament passages, the description of hell includes fire (e.g. Mark 9:43, James 3:6). Some Christians interpret the imagery of fire literally and believe people will experience the sensation of burning forever. Other Christians believe the fire imagery is a symbolic way of communicating severe punishment. And although a minority view, still other Christians believe the description of fire is literal, but that the punishment people experience is temporary, like an object that is eventually destroyed by flames.

What is purgatory?

Temporary place of punishment for Christians who have died with unconfessed sins. Who believes in purgatory?

Roman Catholics believe in purgatory

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