#2: Judaism Note: From Hebrew to Christian

→ Sumer was polytheistic. (Believed in many gods) → Monotheism - One God - Yahweh
→ Abraham
→ Abraham leads to the "Promised Land" - modern day Israel (750 miles)
→ Hebrews = wanderers
→ Canaan
→ YaHWeh - YHWH
→ Babylonian captivity
Beginning of the Jews
Hebrews captured as slaves
→ Hebrew’s write down their history (610 BCE)
→ First 5 books of the Christian bible – (Torah) (Pentateuch)
→ Hebrews – Jews
→ What is being Jewish?
→ Waiting for the Messiah (Savior) to come and “deliver” you
→ Has the Messiah come? (2000 years ago)
→ (Yoshua ben Yoesf)
→ Joshua son of Joseph
→ Jesus (Christ – anointed one)
→ H → B.C → J 2000 → Christians and Jewish → Today
Old Testament New Testament
→ What does it mean to be a Christian?