#1: YOGA: Religion and Exercise

1. With which religion is yoga usually associated?
Yoga is usually associated with Hinduism. Yoga has been associated to past Hindu traditions that use physical, mental, and spiritual practices aimed to transform the mind and body. 2. Why were yoga studios upset in Washington, DC?
In Washington, D.C a 5.75% Sales & Use tax targeting health club services, including recreational facilities and gyms, was implemented. This tax which also touches yoga studios caused uproar among yogis who claim that yoga is a spiritual exercise and not a physical exercise. 3. Do you agree with Washington's opinion? Why or why not?
I do not agree with Washington's opinion because yoga is a spiritual exercise of the mind and body. During yoga classes, they usually teach old Hindu practices, that has over time drifted from a religious to a spiritual practice. 4. What does the following quotation mean? "Yoga is in fact a hybrid of sorts."
Yoga without the “mind and soul” is not yoga; only if based on loose definitions of the term. Then yoga is in fact a hybrid of sorts, since you can never have a yoga session without the physical exercises. There are various other forms of mind, body, and soul exercises, which are not only differentiated by the type of exercises, but predominantly through the philosophy behind them.
5. Take a picture of you in Down Dog and another of Eagle Pose